September Week 2023
********Track closure ******UPDATE
Please note I have been made aware of a track closure at Rhinefield by forestry England. Please check your routes if you are planning on driving from this area during driving week. Below is an update from Forestry England regarding the closure at Rhinefield and a map, of the route.
From Forestry England:-Update
A map which the recreation ranger has produced, she advises there is no access to Vinney Ridge Inclosure from Blackwater Arboretum.
Rhinefield track is still closed until next Friday 29th September. It was due to open this week however due to unforeseen circumstances with the weather it is not safe to reopen.
****IMPORTANT INFORMATION **** I have been advised of some routes to be avoided during New Forest Driving week. I have been contacted by the forest keeper, it has been asked that we avoid Standing hat/ Denny Lodge enclosure. As of Monday 11th September, harvesting work has commenced on 1000 acres of woodland where they are felling trees so there will be a lot of machinery tractors lorries etc in the area and disturbance to tracks. Tuesday 26th Burley Rails - there is a bridge that is currently closed to all vehicular traffic due to excessive river erosion. The Bridge that is closed in burley rails enclosure, this is the what3word location, below is also a written description of how to avoid this bridge from one of our BDS members. Thank you to everyone who messaged me about the location it was very helpful! ///chills.impulsive.survivor If your coming from Anderwood car park the bridge is on the south side to burley rails cottage. The bridge can be avoided by turning right towards bolderwood and the nature reserve. Turn left at far end and over the concrete bridge and that track comes out on the North side of burley outer rails.
Thursday 28th there is ongoing timber haulage from Hasley and adjacent Sloden to the East, which could cause congestion and time delays waiting for lorries loading. I am still waiting to hear back from FE as they are checking with the harvesting team for the exact location of the entrance and exit of the work being carried out. I will keep you all updated when I know more.
Regarding the Bridge that is closed in burley rails inclosure, this is the what3word location, below is also a written description of how to avoid this bridge from one of our BDS members. Thank you to everyone who messaged me about the location very it was helpful! ///chills.impulsive.survivor If your coming from Anderwood car park the bridge is on the south side to burley rails cottage. The bridge can be avoided by turning right towards bolderwood and the nature reserve. Turn left at far end and over the concrete bridge and that track comes out on the North side of burley outer rails.
UPDATE ***** the drive on has been moved on Thursday 28th
Thursday 28th there is ongoing timber haulage from Hasley and adjacent Sloden to the East, which could cause congestion and time delays waiting for lorries loading. I am still waiting to hear back from FE as they are checking with the harvesting team for the exact location of the entrance and exit of the work being carried out.
Thursdays drive has been moved from Hasley due to felling works to Spider Drive to Abbotswell